An example of British euroscepticism and its expressive modalities. An analysis of Nigel Farage’s speeches and articles


Abstract - This paper is about Euroscepticism and its expressive modalities. In particular my research is about Nigel Farage’s euroscepticism, as he represents one of the most controversial politicians of the last few years. I have tried to analyse  the typical aspects of eurosceptical language, both at a lexical level but also from the point of view of rhetoric. In fact political discourse is mainly based on the wise use of words and expressions in order to reach its goal and Nigel Farage seems to be very familiar in expressing his ideas by resorting to the typical “weapons” of persuasion. The research is based on a small corpus of texts and consists in a personal interpretation of facts matched with the analysis of lexical frequency.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v19p275

Keywords: euroscepticism; EU; Farage; rhetoric; vocabulary


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