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Publication Issue Title
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 13, No 3 (2020): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (Special Issue: Work and Organizational Psychology) Teacher Stress and burnout: a study using MIMIC modelling Details  pdf
Maria Luisa Pedditzi, Eraldo Francesco Nicotra, Marcello Nonnis, Paola Grassi, Claudio Giovanni Cortese

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 2 (2021). Special Issue on: "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa" & "The value of the city. Rent extraction, housing and conflicts for the use of urban space" Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa. Global Politics, Protesting and Knowledge Production in the Region and Beyond Details  PDF
Paola Rivetti, Francesco Cavatorta

LEbiotec VI edizione. Abstract Book LEbiotec - Abstract Book. VI Edizione Shrimp processing waste as a source of antioxidant molecules for the pharma industry: a focus on green extraction strategies  PDF
Federica Mancarella, Francesco Milano, Paola Semeraro, Serena Perrone, Francesco Messa, Gabriella Chieffo, Maria Giulia Lionetto, Maria Elena Giordano, Ludovico Valli, Livia Giotta

L'Idomeneo N. 32 (2021) - Dalla peste al Covid-19. Le epidemie in Europa e in Terra d'Otranto (secc. XV-XXI) DIEGO FERDINANDO, Messapografia ovvero Historia di Mesagne  PDF
Francesco De Paola

LEbiotec VI edizione. Abstract Book LEbiotec - Abstract Book. VI Edizione Recovering inorganic biomaterials from seafood industry wastes: properties and applications of soft calcite extracted from mussel shells  PDF
Martina Carcagni, Paola Semeraro, Francesco Milano, Maura Cesaria, Alessandra Zizzari, Francesca Lionetto, Gabriella Chieffo, Ludovico Valli, Livia Giotta

L'Idomeneo N. 29 (2020) - Giulio Cesare Vanini: dal Salento all'Europa. Nel IV Centenario della morte sul rogo (1619-2019) Le peregrinazioni del salentino Vanini nei carteggi delle diplomazie europee del suo tempo: fu fuga o velleitaria missione in Terra anglicana? Details  PDF
Francesco De Paola

L'Idomeneo N. 14 (2012) - Federalismo culturale: il ruolo del Salento Il ruolo di Vanini nella nascita dell’Italia laica  PDF
Francesco De Paola

Rivers and citizens. Cross-border experiences in environmental protection and sustainable development Assessment of river quality within the context of the EU's water framework directive (2000/60/EC): the RiverNet Experiences Details  PDF
Antonio Di Sabatino , Bruno Cicolani , Patrizia Vignini , Manila Pescosolido , Francesco Paolo Miccoli , Marco Giustini , Paola Lombardo

1 - 8 of 8 Items

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