Teacher Stress and burnout: a study using MIMIC modelling


A number of recent studies carried out in the education sector have re- vealed the incidence of burnout in school environments and have highlighted the principal psycho-social sources of burnout syndrome among teachers. This study attempts to look further at the results of a previous research car- ried out on a sample of 882 italian teachers. Using advanced statistcal tech- niques such as MIMIC modelling, it intends to verify whether the following psycho-social stress factors are significant as predictors: interpersonal rela- tions, workload, organisational conflict, role ambiguity, perceived role image, work-home interface. The scales we have adopted are the Maslach Burnout Inventory MBI-ES and the Cooper’s occupational stress indicator (Cooper, Sloan & Williams, 2009) specifically adapted for Italian schools. Results have shown the clear predictive role of factors such as interpersonal conflict and home-work interface in determining the onset of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization among teachers.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v13n3p739

Keywords: Burnout; Stress; Teachers; Structural Equation Models


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