Traditions of the American Identity. Navigating the Complex Terrain of Whiteness


American identity is shaped by a dynamic interplay of traditions, including liberalism, civic republicanism, ethnoculturalism, and incorporationism, each contributing distinct yet interconnected elements to its development. Central to this evolving narrative is the concept of whiteness, which has transitioned from a presumed social norm to a contested socio-political construct. This study traces the historical trajectory of whiteness, examining its role in defining the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion within American identity. It explores how whiteness has operated as a marker of privilege, a tool of social stratification, and a performative identity, adapting to historical and ideological shifts while sustaining systemic inequalities. Through a historical lens, the study analyzes the relationship between whiteness and American traditions, highlighting its influence on key political and cultural developments, from the codification of racial hierarchies in the early republic to contemporary struggles over race and equity. Ultimately, the study underscores whiteness as a constructed and fluid force that continues to shape the social, political, and cultural dimensions of American identity, raising critical questions about power, belonging, and the future of pluralism in the United States.

Keywords: Whiteness; American Identity; Racial Classification; Sociopolitical Transformation, Inclusion and Exclusion


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