Paolo VI e l'enciclica sociale "Populorum progressio"


On Easter Sunday in 1967, Pope Paul VI announced to the world the publication of "Populorum progression", his encyclical on the topic of "the development of peoples" and that the economy of the world should serve mankind and not just a few. It is one of the most well-known documents of the Church of the Twentieth century and, along with the "Rerum novarum" of Pope Leo XIII (1891), enjoys the singular privilege of being celebrated by two other encyclicals promulgated afterwards on its anniversary. Nonetheless, the popularity of the document has often prevented a proper scrutiny of the work. In fact, a closer analysis highlights scientific inadequacies, oversights, and an inability to go beyond trite stereotypes. This article intends to probe the ideological approach of the encyclical and the unwarranted bias of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church towards capitalism and free market more generally.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22808949a7n1p47

Keywords: Social Doctrine of the Church; Paul VI; Development of Third World; North-South of World; International Aid; Redistribution

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