Gli Stati Uniti e i governi rivoluzionari russi tra il 1917 e il 1918: iniziative diplomatiche straordinarie e soccorso umanitario


The essay, after a brief analysis of the events succeeded in Russia from March to October 1917, illustrates the political and strategic objectives of the United States toward the domestic politics of post-Czarist Russia. The author presents the main initiatives launched in 1917 by the United States to engage the Russian government, born from the February Revolution, to the respect of international obligations in support of the allies of the Entente. Are analyzed, in particular, humanitarian activities in Russia during the October Revolution and the consolidation of Soviet power. The activities of the Root Mission, the Stevens Railways Commission, the Young Men's Christian Association and the American Red Cross are described as examples of special initiatives, that using the tools and the protagonists of humanitarian relief activities ensure continuity of diplomatic relations in the absence of official channels.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22808949a4n2p225

Keywords: WWI; Russian-American diplomatic relations; February revolution; October revolution; Root Mission; Steven Railways Commission; Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA); American Red Cross (ARC); Elihu Root; John Raleigh Mott; David Rowland Francis, Raymond Robins

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