Predicting Total Shipping and Clearance Time for Al-Ghanim Sahara Transportation


Understanding factors that affect lead time can help supply chain management to get better understanding for the amount of time it takes to deliver products to the market. This investigation sought to determine factors that influenced lead time shipment at Al-Ghanim Sahra Transportation (AST). The delivery lead time data was collected from AST over four years (2013 – 2016). The information consists of customers’ orders starting from the actual time of shipments until clearance date over several stages of shipment. A multivariate fixed and random regression models were employed using stepwise variable selections to identify significant independent factors; including their interaction to lead time. Supp, Commodities, Departure Port and Shipping line along with their interaction were significant shipping-related contributors to lead time explaining 38.7% of the total variation in lead time.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v11n2p405

Keywords: Lead Time, supply chain, Stepwise, regression


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