Source: Proceedings of "Tenth International Conference "Crimea 2003", Library and Information Availability in the Modern World : Digital Resources of Science, Culture and Education" - Sudak (Ukraine), 7-15/6/2003
Abstract: The SIBA Coordination of the University of Lecce ( the development of the Telematic Information System for research and education, as well as the development of the computerization of the University libraries. It has various laboratories equipped with the latest technologies and facilities and coordinates numerous national and international projects for the cataloguing, the digitalization and the fruition of bibliographical and documentary material, for the publication and consultation of electronic journals, for the conversion in electronic format of the back volumes and for the development of the methodologies for the implementation of the digital technology in the field of the cultural heritage. In particular SIBA Coordination is the national coordinator of SINM (Sistema Informativo Nazionale per la Matematica = National Information System for Mathematics). Within this Information System, SIBA Coordination has developed the SINM portal ( for an easy access to electronic mathematical resources; the National Catalogue of Mathematical, Physical, Computer and Technological Sciences (; the OldenMath System ( for the cataloguing and digitalization of rare and valuable editions in the mathematical area; the Italian National Index of Mathematical Preprints SINM-MPRESS (; the REIM System (Riviste Elettroniche Italiane di Matematica) for the publication and consultation via Web of electronic journals of mathematics (; the Italian Editorial Unit of Zentralblatt MATH for the reviewing of Italian mathematical publications (
Keywords: Electronic Publishing; Italian National Information System for Mathematics

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