The association between behavioral and attitudinal acculturation on Latinx immigrants and U.S.-born Latinxs: a multidimensional acculturation model


Disparities in access and utilization of substance abuse treatment (SAT) among Latinxs, accentuated by this population's rapid growth, create a public health issue. Although substance abuse literature has given more consideration to environmental factors and social support concerning treatment outcomes, current substance abuse models fail to address important contextual and cultural aspects for Latinxs in recovery, including acculturation. The proposed study aims to test out a multidimensional acculturation model on a sample of 131 Latinxs (Mage= 36.3; SD±10.4, 117 males, 49% immigrants) who recently completed SAT. Specifically, the proposed study employed a conditional process model using the PROCESS Macro for SPSS to examine the association between behavioral acculturation and substance use behavior in the past six months on nativity status at different levels of attitudinal acculturation. Results yielded that, after controlling for age and substance use, higher endorsement of U.S. mainstream cultural practices was associated with a higher frequency of days using alcohol among Latinx immigrants, specifically those reporting high and very high affiliation to the U.S. mainstream culture. Also, a negative association between U.S. mainland-born Latinx and frequency of days using illicit drugs in the past six months was observed, but only among those who endorse very high affiliation of U.S. mainstream culture.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v7i2p81

Keywords: Substance abuse; multidimensional acculturation; Latinx immigrants'; U.S. mainland born Latinx; communal recovery home.


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