The "plantito/plantita" home gardening during the pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every segment of life, including health, economy, education, and social ecologies. Quarantine measures have forced people to stay inside their homes, leading to the “new normal” of living and adaptation. One activity that has been among Filipinos during the onset of the lockdown until the present time is the increased engagement in gardening. Home gardening suddenly became a widespread activity in rural and urban areas. The use of the words “plantito” [male] and “plantita” [female] denote someone who enjoys taking care of plants. This qualitative study aims to explore and describe the rise of home gardening among Filipinos during the pandemic. A total of 104 participants answered an online survey containing open-ended questions. They described a “plantito/plantita” as a plant lover and nurturer and reported home gardening as a way of connecting with nature, a psychological experience, and an interest. The benefits include stress relief and improved mood. Further studies on home gardening and mental health and possible opportunities to incorporate this activity in communities are warranted.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v7i1p88

Keywords: gardening; plant; covid-19; pandemic; mental health


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