The local identity functions in the age of globalization: A study on a local culture


Globalization and the spread of global culture coincide with the emergence of glocalization. Dialogical self theory maintains that globalization offers an increased number of others to which the ego can refer to define the self, while collective identity theory posits that it increases the potential number of ingroups and outgroups the self can identify with or distinguish itself from. The complexity of the dynamics of globalization for identity and culture, can lead to a fragmentation of self and identity, creating a need for stability often found in local identification. This qualitative study compared identity-building strategies between ordinary residents of four villages in the Western Italian Alps and active promoters of Occitan culture living in the same area. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed that the village residents rely on a deep but narrow sense of place to preserve their local identity and counteract self-fragmentation, whereas the promoters cultivate a broader interest in Occitan identity and self-perception to advance different political goals. The results highlight the different functions of local identities in the globalized world.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v1i1p105

Keywords: local identity, social identity, dialogical self theory, insecurity, globalization, community.


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