eISBN: 978-88-8305-112-8
This book introduces a novel approach to the analysis and translation of "migration movies", featuring cross-cultural interactions in immigration domains. More specifically, it explores the extent to which the discursive and audiovisual constructions of movie characters representing non-native speakers of English stem from the script authors' background knowledge of lingua-franca variations - marked by lexical, syntactic and phonetic deviations from the Standard English norms - which they turn into 'scripted variations' to represent status asymmetries in intercultural exchanges. Such asymmetries - this book contends - need to be rendered into equivalent linguacultural ways during the dubbing-translation process by resorting to parallel 'scripted' lingua-franca variations of the target language. To this purpose, the book introduces a number of stimulating translation strategies to be exploited in university courses of audio-visual translation and intercultural mediation.
DOI Code: 10.1285/i9788883051128
Table of Contents
Title Page |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
1-2 |
Table of Contents |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
3-4 |
Introduction |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
5-8 |
Chapter 6 - Brick Lane |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
49-52 |
Chapter 9 - Lamerica |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
69-76 |
Conclusions |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
77-80 |
References |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
81-84 |
Colophon |
Pietro Luigi Iaia |
85-86 |
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e-ISBN: 978-88-8305-1128