WP1 – context analysis of anthropogenic pressures on natural heritage in Ramsar transitional waters


TWReferenceNET has concluded as scheduled the activities of WP1 Context analysis of anthropogenic pressures on natural heritage in Ramsar transitional waters. The project activities have connected 19 protected lagoons or coastal wetlands in the eastern Mediterranean region (http://www.ecologia.unile.it/website/lesina) through a functional database. The studied ecosystems included the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, the Karavasta lagoon, the lagoon complex in the Gulf of Amvrakikos and the Ramsar transitional ecosystems of the Apulia.
TWReferenceNET (http://www.ecologia.unile.it/website/lesina) ha concluso le attività definite dal WP1 WP1 Analisi contestuali delle pressioni antropiche sui sistemi naturali nelle acque
TWReferenceNET (ttp://www.ecologia.unile.it/website/lesina) ka perfunduar sic ishte parashikuar, aktivitetet e WPI - analiza lidhur me presionet antropogjene ne trashegimine natyrore ne ligatinat Ramsar. Aktivitetet e projektit kane perfshire 19 laguna ose ligatina bregdetare te mbrojtura ne rajonin e Mesdheut lindor nepermjet nje baze te dhenash funksionale
TWReferenceNET (http://www.ecologia.unile.it/website/lesina) a finalizat, conform planificarii, activitatile aferente WP1 Analiza contextualizata a factorilor antropgeni de stress asupra patrimoniului natural din zonele Ramsar cu ape de tranzitie. Activitatile proiectului au pus relationat 19 lagune protejate sau zone umede costiere din regiunea estica a Mediterranei
Το TWReferenceNET έχει ολοκληρώσει, όπως είχε σχεδιαστεί, τις δραστηριότητες του WP1 Πλαίσιο ανάλυσης των ανθρωπογενών πιέσεων στη φυσική κληρονομιά των μεταβατικών υδάτων της συνθήκης Ramsar. Οι δραστηριότητες του προγράμματος έχουν συνδέσει 19 προστατευόμενες λιμνοθάλασσες ή παράκτιους
По Проекта TWReferenceNET са изпълнени всички планирани дейности по РП1 - Анализ на последствията от антропогенното въздействие върху природните защитени зони в системата Рамсар преходни води. В резултат 19 защитени лагуни от крайбрежните зони на източно-средиземноморския район са включени

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v2n1p94

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