The canal of discord


The Danub delta is considered one and only around the world because of beauties, ecosystem features of biological, ecological and naturalistic relevance. It is included in the universal network of the natural reserves of the biosphere and is designated, by the UNESCO, property of the humanity. Actually, Danub delta ecosystem risks to be altered because of the construction of the navigable canal of Bystroye. The Ucraina started to build this canal to obtain a navigable connection between the Danube and the Black Sea. The activities of construction for the canal continue and are causing damage for the natural evolution processes of fauna and flora in the protected areas, altering also the system of the natural flowing with incalculable conseguences.
The Danub delta is considered one and only around the world because of beauties, ecosystem features of biological, ecological and naturalistic relevance. It is included in the universal network of the natural reserves of the biosphere and is designated, by the UNESCO, property of the humanity. Actually, Danub delta ecosystem risks to be altered because of the construction of the navigable canal of Bystroye. The Ucraina started to build this canal to obtain a navigable connection between the Danube and the Black Sea. The activities of construction for the canal continue and are causing damage for the natural evolution processes of fauna and flora in the protected areas, altering also the system of the natural flowing with incalculable conseguences.
The Danub delta is considered one and only around the world because of beauties, ecosystem features of biological, ecological and naturalistic relevance. It is included in the universal network of the natural reserves of the biosphere and is designated, by the UNESCO, property of the humanity. Actually, Danub delta ecosystem risks to be altered...
Delta e Danubit eshte konsideruar nje dhe i vetem ne bote per bukurite, vecorite e ekosistemit te natyres biologjike, ekologjike dhe natyrore. Eshte perfshire ne rrjetin universal te rezervave natyrore te biosferave dhe eshte shpallur nga UNESCO prone e njerezimit. Aktualisht, ekosistemi i deltes se Danubit rrezikon te ndryshohet per shkak te ndertimit te kanalit te navigueshem te Bystroye. Ukraina nisi te ndertoje kete kanal per te fituar nje lidhje te navigueshme ndermjet Danubit dhe Detit te Zi. Aktivitetet e ndertimit per kanalin vazhdojne dhe po shkaktojne demtim te proceseve te evolucionit natyror te faunes dhe flores ne zonat e mbrojtura, duke ndryshuar gjithashtu sistemin e rrjedhjes natyrore me pasoja te pallogaritshme.
Incluso nella rete universale delle riserve della biosfera e dichiarato dall’Unesco patrimonio dell’umanità, il delta del Danubio è considerato unico al mondo per bellezza, varietà ambientale e valore naturalistico. Il suo delicato ecosistema rischia però di essere alterato dalla costruzione del canale navigabile di Bystroye che l’Ucraina ha cominciato a scavare al fine di assicurarsi un collegamento navigabile tra il Danubio e il Mar Nero. I lavori di costruzione del canale proseguono perturbando il processo naturale di evoluzione della fauna e della flora delle zone strettamente protette oltre a provocare l’alterazione del sistema delle correnti con effetti, al momento incalcolabili, sull’impatto ambientale.
Delta Dunarii este considerata unica in lume datorita frumusetii ei, caracteristicilor ecosistemului cu insusiri deosebite de natura biologica, ecologica si naturala. Este inclusa in reteaua mondiala a rezervatiilor biosferei si este desemnata patrimoniu al umanitatii de catre UNESCO. In prezent, ecosistemul Deltei Dunarii este in pericol de a fi alterat datorita constructiei canalului navigabil Bistroe. Ucraina ainceput construirea acestui canal pentru a obtine o cale navigabila intre Dunare si Marea Neagra. Activitatile de construire a canalului continua si duc la distrugerea evolutiei naturale a florei si faunei din zonele protejate, ducand de asemenea la alterarea procesului natural al cursului apei, cu consecinte incalculabile.
Το δέλτα του Δούναβη θεωρείται μοναδικό σε όλο τον κόσμο λόγω των όμορφων τοπίων, των χαρακτηριστικών γνωρισμάτων βιολογικού οικοσυστήματος, της οικολογικής και της φυσιοκρατικής σχετικότητας. Συμπεριλαμβάνεται στο καθολικό δίκτυο των φυσικών θέρετρων της βιόσφαιρας και εκλέχθηκε ως ιδιοκτησία της ανθρωπότητας, από την UNESCO. Το δέλτα του οικοσυστήματος του Δούναβη διατρέχει κίνδυνο διαμόρφωσης λόγω της κατασκευής του πλεύσιμου καναλιού Bystroye. Η Ουκρανία προχώρησε στην κατασκευή αυτού του καναλιού για να έχει μια πλεύσιμη σύνδεση μεταξύ του Δούναβη και της Ερυθράς Θάλασσας. Οι δραστηριότητες της κατασκευής του καναλιού συνεχίζουν και προκαλούν ζημία στις φυσικές εξελίξεις της πανίδας και της χλωρίδας στις προστατευόμενες ζώνες, αλλοιώνοντας επίσης το σύστημα της φυσικής ροής με ανυπολόγιστες συνέπειες.
Делтата на река Дунав се счита за уникална в света поради красотата, богатството на екосистемата и нейната биологическа, екологическа и природна значимост. Тя е част от световната мрежа от природни биосферни резервати и е обявена от ЮНЕСКО за обществен природен парк. В действителност екосистемата на Дунавската делта е подложена на риска да бъде унищожена поради прокопаването на навигационен канал в Бистрое. Украйна започва строителството на канала за да осъществи плавателна връзка между река Дунав и Черно море. Дейностите по прокопаването на канала продължават предизвиквайки сериозни промени в естествените процеси на развитие на фауната и флората в резервата, както и в естествената циркулация с безбройни последствия.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v2n1p1

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