Dall'esistenza alla resistenza: L'intersoggettività e l'anamorfismo della carne = From existence to resistance: Intersubjectivity and the anamorphism of the flesh


SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis is affecting our lives and our sense of self, touching upon the ontological value of the intersubjectivity. What pandemic is truly telling us, with regard to our sense of relatedness with the alterity, is to redraft our idea of corporeality. The essence of the bodies refers to our anamorphic capacity to be-in-the-world. We need to investigate on the possibility, for our own selves, to redefine our relationship with the other human beings through the Aristotelian and the phenomenological philosophy. It is not just a matter of fact, it is the opportunity to give us another perspective for the understanding of phenomena such as the alienation and the distancing from the others. This pandemic raises awareness about our weaknesses, hence it helps us to reconsider our needs and priorities as regards the social ties.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18285368aXXXVn100p95

Keywords: Pandemic; Anamorphosis; Phenomenology; Self; Symmetry; Social ties; Science; Politics; Community; Hermeneutics; Rights; Duties; Justice; Intersubjectivity

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