Sulla rivoluzione arendtiana


Hannah Arendt reversed what tradition had consecrated as a revolutionary. Far from the conception of Marx and Marxism, which, at the time, was the only expression perceived as authentically revolutionary, Arendt showed the brought about violence expressed by a history of wars and revolutions. The revolutionary act is, instead, for Arendt, to begin something entirely new and cannot be identified with the project or with the result. The essay analyzes the epistemological revolution and the revolutionary method that the author used in her examination of history, the consonances with authors such as Ch. Péguy, who had the opportunity to read during her time as a refugee in Paris and who left deep traces in her work and dissonances with respect to sociology, emerging new science in America.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18285368aXXXIIIn96p76

Keywords: Arendt; Péguy; revolution; freedom; need; novelty

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