By imposing some conditions on the discrete dynamical system generated by p-steps discretization methods, we find two classes of difference equations of order p which are suitable for solving ordinary differential equations.These generate in particular two non linear methods wich turn out to be A-stable according to the current definitions; the first of them is a two steps methods of the second order, the second one is a three steps method of the third order. Both are particularly suitable in the case of stiff differential equations and whenever the interval of integration is very large.
By imposing some conditions on the discrete dynamical system generated by p-steps discretization methods, we find two classes of difference equations of order p which are suitable for solving ordinary differential equations.These generate in particular two non linear methods wich turn out to be A-stable according to the current definitions; the first of them is a two steps methods of the second order, the second one is a three steps method of the third order. Both are particularly suitable in the case of stiff differential equations and whenever the interval of integration is very large.
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