Progetto Alice, psicosintesi e pedagogia del conoscere


"Educating to self-consciousness" is the aim of educational experimentation proposed by the founders of the "Alice Project". Any child should be considered as a thinking being and made of emotions and beliefs. Nevertheless, living in a society where superficiality and pragmatism are predominant has leaded to not consider these aspects in child education. Indeed, in scholar environment any individual is trained to be socially realized, but unable to nurture higher levels of consciousness because the formal knowledge in schools is disconnected from interior experience and awareness. The Alice model aims to train human beings able to explicate their potentials beyond the phenomenal world: move from an anthropocentric view to a biocentric one in which the human being is a part of the Universe and not above it. Interior life of any individual is not disconnected from the real world, but an integral part of it, as it is well known in quantum physics. To achieve this goal, the traditional school program should be integrated with special activities such as mediation, yoga, visualisation techniques useful to get the ability to visualise and memorise, higher mindfulness, decreasing in aggressive behaviour and development in emotional intelligence. All these aims are successfully reached in the experimentation in India. It would be interesting that the traditional education opens up to the principles placed by the "Alice Project".

DOI Code: 10.1285/i17201632vXXIVn43-44p129

Keywords: consciousness; pedagogical aims; awareness; Alice educational project

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