A note on some homology spheres which are 2-fold coverings of inequivalent knots
We construct a family of closed 3--manifolds
, which are homeomorphic to the Brieskorn homology spheres
, where
and both
are odd. We show that
can be represented as 2--fold covering of the 3--sphere branched over two inequivalent knots. Our proofs follow immediately from two different symmetries of a genus 2 Heegaard diagram of
, and generalize analogous results proved in [BGM], [IK], [SIK] and [T].

DOI Code:
3–manifold; branched covering; orbifold; fundamental group; homology 3–sphere; (1, 1)-knot; torus knot
3–manifold; branched covering; orbifold; fundamental group; homology 3–sphere; (1, 1)-knot; torus knot
57M05; 57M12; 57R65
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