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Publication Issue Title
Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 3 (2021). Special Issue on: "When, where and which kind of collective action matters?" Collective Action Outcomes: Ways Forward for the Subfield Details  PDF
Lorenzo Bosi, Katrin Uba

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 8, No. 1 (2015). Special issue: New Perspectives on Party Politics On Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies: From the classic perspective to the current debate Details  PDF
Francesco Raniolo, Lorenzo Viviani, Marco Damiani

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol 8, No. 2 (2015). Special Issue: Between Resilience and Resistance Direct Social Actions and Economic Crises: The Relationship between Forms of Action and Socio-Economic Context in Italy Details  PDF
Lorenzo Bosi, Lorenzo Zamponi

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 8, No. 1 (2015). Special issue: New Perspectives on Party Politics The New Left in the European Democracies: The Case of the German Radical Left Details  PDF
Marco Damiani, Lorenzo Viviani

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 12, No. 2 (2019). Special Issue on: Social Movements and the Third Sector Direct Social Action, Welfare Retrenchment and Political Identities. Coping with the Crisis and Pursuing Change in Italy Details  PDF
Lorenzo Zamponi

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 10, No. 1 (2017). Special issue: Democracy in Latin America Italian Students as a Political Actor. The Policy Impact of the Recent Student Mobilizations in the Field of Higher Education Details  PDF
Lorenzo Cini

Interdisciplinary Political Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2011) Party Groups in the European Parliament, Cohesiveness and MEPs' Survey Data: New Evidence on Voting Behaviour from a New (Simple) Methodology? Details  PDF
Lorenzo Cicchi

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 12, No. 3 (2019). Special Issue on: Working as a platform: Labour needs, activation and representativeness in the era of digital transformation Labour Activism and Social Movement Unionism in the Gig Economy. Food Delivery Workers Struggles in Italy Details  PDF
Riccardo Emilio Chesta, Lorenzo Zamponi, Carlotta Caciagli

Mizar. Costellazione di pensieri N. 19 - Luglio-Dicembre 2023 Esploratori dell'invisibile. Una proposta didattica STEAM per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Details  Pdf
Lorenzo Binotti

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 12, No. 1 (2019). Special Issue on: Students’ Activism Populism and Euroscepticism in Podemos and in the Five Star Movement. Faraway, so close? Details  PDF
Marco Damiani, Lorenzo Viviani

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 12, No. 1 (2019). Special Issue on: Students’ Activism The 2015 Student Mobilizations in South Africa. Contesting Post-Apartheid Higher Education Details  PDF
Lorenzo Cini

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 1 (2021). Special Issue on: "Covid-19 and the Structural Crisis of Liberal Democracies" Beyond the Migration Crisis, Deep Values. Where Does Hostility to Immigrants Come from? Details  PDF
Davide Angelucci, Lorenzo De Sio, Aldo Paparo

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 10, No. 2 (2017). Special issue: De-Politicization in the Neoliberal Era Bosi Lorenzo, Marco Giugni, and Katrin Uba (2016), The Consequences of Social Movements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Details  PDF
Lorenzo Cini

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 7, No. 1 (2014). Special issue: Paths of Research in Religion and Politics Andrea Hajek, Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe. The Case of Italy, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp.232. Details  PDF
Lorenzo Zamponi

Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology Tolemeo III dal ritorno in Egitto al decreto di Canopo: tempi e ragioni di due visite nella chora Details  PDF
Lorenzo Fati

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 13, No 1 (2020): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis A Sequential Monte Carlo Approach for the pricing of barrier option in a Stochastic Volatility Model Details  pdf
Salvatore Cuomo, Vittorio Di Somma, Emilia di Lorenzo, Gerardo Toraldo

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 15, No. 3 (2022). Special issue on: "Investigating Vaccine Controversies during the Covid-19 Pandemic" Understanding the Birth, Quality and Collapse of Democratic Regimes through Movement-Party Interactions Details  PDF
Lorenzo Mosca

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 16, No 2 (2023): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Stochastic analysis of COVID19 impact on birth life expectation Details  pdf
Girolamo Franchetti, Massimiliano Politano, Giovanna Di Lorenzo

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 13, No 1 (2020): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis The security mortgage valuation in a stochastic perspective Details  pdf
Giovanna Di Lorenzo, Albina Orlando, Massimo Politano

Egyptica. Collana di studi sull’antico Egitto Papyri Universitatis Lupiensis. Papiri greci di epoca tolemaica (PUL II 21-40) Introduzione  PDF
Lorenzo Uggetti

LEbiotec VI edizione. Abstract Book LEbiotec - Abstract Book. VI Edizione Reduction of biofouling on aquatic moss-based biofilters using Mediterranean crustaceans  PDF
Irma Del Piano, Francesca Letizia, Lorenzo Doria, Chiara Anglana, Fabrizio Barozzi, Francesco Mancini, Giorgio Mancinelli, Gian Pietro Di Sansebastiano

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 15, No. 2 (2022). Turning to the Right? The Impact of the "Long Crisis Decade" (2008-2019) on Right-wing Populist Vote and Attitudes in Europe Details  PDF
Mirko Crulli, Lorenzo Viviani

Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza n. 13 suppl., anno 2019 - Ithaca Educational I La traduzione nell'era dei Big Data Details  PDF
Caterina Milone, Aurora Paladini, Lorenzo Pellegrino

Egyptica. Collana di studi sull’antico Egitto Papyri Universitatis Lupiensis. Papiri greci di epoca tolemaica (PUL II 21-40) Premessa  PDF
Lorenzo Uggetti

Thalassia Salentina Volume 26, suppl. (2003) La inferenza biologica nella valutazione del grado di protezione naturale di sorgenti carsiche captate Details  PDF
Tiziana Di Lorenzo, Paola De Laurentis, Diana P. Galassi

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