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Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 13, No 3 (2020): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (Special Issue: Work and Organizational Psychology) Job satisfaction in a sample of nurses: A multilevel focus on work team variability about the head nurse's transformational leadership Details  pdf
Paola Gatti, Edoardo Pepe, Andrea Caputo, Marco Clari, Valerio Dimonte, Rosalie J. Hall, Claudio Giovanni Cortese

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Community Psychology in Global Perspective Predictors of prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 national lockdown in Italy: Testing the role of psychological sense of community and other community assets Details  PDF
Christian Compare, Gabriele Prati, Antonella Guarino, Flora Gatti, Fortuna Procentese, Angela Fedi, Giovanni Umberto Aresi, Silvia Gattino, Daniela Marzana, Iana Tzankova, Cinzia Albanesi

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Community Psychology in Global Perspective Individual and community-related paths to civic engagement: A multiple mediation model deepening the role of sense of responsible togetherness, community trust, and hope Details  PDF
Fortuna Procentese, Immacolata Di Napoli, Ciro Esposito, Flora Gatti

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 10, No 2 (2024): Community Psychology in Global Perspective Citizens’ sustainable engagement in Citizen Social Science (CSS) projects: The experience of the YOUCOUNT project Details  PDF
Fortuna Procentese, Flora Gatti, Francesco Giudice, Giada Al Kasasbeh, Yuri Autorino

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Community Psychology in Global Perspective The photo diaries method to catch the daily experience of Italian university students during COVID-19 lockdown Details  PDF
Marta Gaboardi, Flora Gatti, Massimo Santinello, Gabriella Gandino, Andrea Guazzini, Elisa Guidi, Cinzia Novara, Tiziana Sola, Emiliano Ceglie, Giulia Di Fini, Gaetano Di Napoli, Fortuna Procentese

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 46 (2021) Fantasmas y otros seres liminales en dos novelas cortas uruguayas de comienzos del siglo XXI: Dina Díaz y Horacio Cavallo Details  PDF
Giuseppe Gatti

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 7 (2012) Pinceladas de fragmentación urbana en la narrativa de Alberto Fuguet. Postmodernidad y destellos McOndianos en la Santiago de Chile de Por favor, rebobinar Details  PDF
Giuseppe Gatti

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 53 (2022) Insights into the phonetic system of 21st century Falkland Islands English Details  PDF
Maria Cristina Gatti, Cecilia Lazzeretti, Veronica Juliana Schmalz

Papyrologica Lupiensia n. 28 (2019) Biographie, Werk und Rezeption des Cornelius Gallus: Ein neues Gesamtbild Details  PDF
Pierluigi Leone Gatti

We The Young People of Europe We the Young People of Europe. Mirroring the works of the European Parliament #wetheyoung2016. Giovani e Decisori politici in dialogo attraverso una simulazione di Parlamento  PDF
Emanuele Murra, Gianfranco Gatti

We The Young People of Europe We the Young People of Europe. Mirroring the works of the European Parliament Fulltext version  PDF
a cura di E. Murra, G. Gatti, E. Ciavolino, D. De Luca, A. Pisanò

La Puglia nel Mediterraneo. Nuove prospettive per la cooperazione euro-mediterranea L'identità territoriale nella cooperazione decentrata  PDF
G. Gatti

Idee Volume 22 (1993) Filosofia e politica. Dalla crisi alla ricostruzione di un difficile rapporto  PDF
Roberto Gatti

3rd Workshop - Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni 3rd Workshop - Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni The LILIA project: ion beams for hadrontheraphy Details  PDF
S. Agosteo, M. P. Anania, M. Caresana, G. Cirrone, C. De Martinis, D. Delle Side, A. Fazzi, G. Gatti, D. Giove, D. Giulietti, L. Gizzi, L. Labate, P. Londrillo, M. Maggiore, V. Nassisi, A. Pola, S. Sinigardi, A. Tramontana, F. Schillaci, G. Turchetti, V. Varoli, L. Velardi

Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of Papyrology P.Herc. 817 and the Augustan Ideology Details  PDF
Pierluigi Leone Gatti

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