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Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 9 (2013) Análisis contrastivo de los procesos de recategorización del adjetivo en español y en chino Details  PDF
M. Azucena Penas Ibáñez, Ying Liu

3rd Workshop - Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni 3rd Workshop - Plasmi, Sorgenti, Biofisica ed Applicazioni Alternative acceptor materials for organic photovoltaic cells Details  PDF
L. Troisi, F. Bona, C. Citti, G. Giancane, C. Granito, T. Liu, A. Troisi

Note di Matematica Volume 31, Issue 2 (2011) Sharp Maximal Function Inequalities and Boundedness for Commutators of Riesz Transforms of Schr¨odinger Operators Details  PDF
Lanzhe Liu

EWMOVPEX. 10th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy EWMOVPEX. 10th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy Compositional studies of InGaN epilayers and magnesium-doped GaN grown by MOVPE, using wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry  PDF
C. J. Deatcher, C. Liu, M.G. Cheong, I.M. Watson, R. W. Martin, L. M. Smith, S. Rushworth, S. Pereira

EWMOVPEX. 10th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy EWMOVPEX. 10th European Workshop on Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy Growth of Silicon-doped GaN using ditertiarybutylsilane  PDF
C. J. Deatcher, C. Liu, M.G. Cheong, I.M. Watson, L. M. Smith, S. Rushworth, A. Widdowson

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