Making Alienation “accessible”. Towards a tripartite understanding of the concept, and its application to the British working-class


This article explores the concept of alienation. While acknowledging the valuable contributions of scholars in expanding its scope and application, the article argues for a more accessible and immediately intelligible understanding of the concept. By adopting an author-based thematic approach, the article examines the works of Hegel, Marx, and Alasdair MacIntyre to identify the key characteristics that define alienation. It highlights the interconnectedness of three central elements: the lack of agency, meaning, and the detachment of oneself from the community. These elements are synthesized into a comprehensive framework that can analyse the position of the working class in contemporary society. By doing so, it demonstrates the continued applicability of alienation as an analytical tool for comprehending and addressing issues in the modern world. By presenting a more accessible and streamlined conceptualisation, this article aims to encourage wider engagement with the concept of alienation and promote its use in public discourse.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v9n2p175

Keywords: Alienation, Hegel, Marx, Working-Class, Britain


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