An Overview of Academic Freedom in Turkey: Re-Thinking Theory and Praxis


This study will present and discuss the role of intellectuals in society through the analysis of a case of Turkey in relation to theory and praxis. The group of scholars who call themselves 'Academics for Peace' prepared and signed a petition against the attacks carried out by Turkish government in the Southeast of Turkey, with claim that ‘they will not be party to this crime’ and demanding the government to stop attacking the civilians. This petition leads the national and international reactions and movements. At a national level, because of the oppressions increased particularly after the coup attempt in 15 July 2016, many scholars signed the petition lose their jobs and they create different way to struggle against these repressions. At the international level, many institution and scholars manifest their support for ‘Academics for Peace.’ This research is based on the comparative study, which tries to reveal the problem through a historical and comparative work. It also tries to demonstrate the attitude of authoritative government to these intellectuals, which realizes its political discourses by anti-intellectual and populist expressions.

Keywords: intellectual, theory, praxis, anti-intellectualism, populism, repression, academy, struggle, resistance, petition



DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v3n1p109


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