Il brain-drain sud-nord in Italia dal 1990 ad oggi


This paper analyses the phenomenon of brain-drain from South to North of Italy that involves a large part of graduates from Nineties to the present. The discussion deals with all aspects of this problem, focusing, in particular, on the social-economic causes and consequences of displacement. Nowadays, there are still differences between North and South of Italy and this situation especially interests the opportunity to make the most of highly-skilled labor force for the regional economy’s growth. From the studies that speak about brain-drain and its effects on a particular region emerges that human capital is an important resource for the territory where it accumulates and this aspect points out to the present territorial dualism. In fact, we can observe how the loss of human capital deprived the southern economies of important resources for their own growth.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22808949a1n2p171

Keywords: Brain-Drain; Mobilità territoriale in Italia; Dualismo territoriale in Italia; Crescita endogena

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