Modeling the perception of sustainability among students in Southern Italy: a case study


Sustainability is a multi-layered concept, but the widespread use ofthis word risks losing its deep meaning and sustainability being perceived as an abstract concept. Understanding the value of sustainability for the younger generation and their awareness of its preservation is fundamental to predicting their commitment to a better future. This paper explores young people's perceptions of sustainability and their characteristics. A survey was conducted among 1,006 southern Italian high school students with a web questionnaire. The data were analyzed using CUB models, specifically designed to investigate rating data. The results show that students participating in the survey have a clear and shared knowledge of the positive, tangible benefits of sustainability for current and future generations. High levels of agreement were found for positive attributes of sustainability (increasing well-being, innovation, preserving the planet, ensuring economic development), while strong disagreement concerned negative statements about sustainability (associated costs and consumerism in developed countries).Participation in a specific educational pathway was found to be positively associated with proactive behaviors related to sustainability. Thus, planning educational activities can raise awareness of sustainable development goals and policies to educate citizens who care about their future.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v17n3p735

Keywords: Sustainability; Education for sustainable development; Questionnaire analysis; CUB regression models

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