Does the association between workload and work engagement depend on being workaholic? A cross-cultural study on Italian and Canadian employees


Work intensification implies increased workload which, in turn, can impact on work engagement, and workaholism; however, their mutual relations have not received adequate scholarly attention up to now. This cross-cultural study, consistently with the Job Demands-Resources model, examined the association between workload and work engagement and verified if workaholism acted as a moderator. Moreover, we examined if cultural differences affected these associations. To this purpose, 416 Canadian and 412 Italian employees filled a cross-sectional questionnaire. The association between workload and work engagement varied significantly between countries, and was moderated by workaholism. Results discussed in view of the theoretical framework provide insights for both scholars and managers in terms of human resource management and job design.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v13n3p589

Keywords: work intensification; workload; workaholism; work engagement; Job Demands-Resources model


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