Reliability estimation of k-unit series system based on progressiverly censored data


In this article, we consider a k-unit series system with component lifetime distribution to be a member of the scale family of distributions. We discuss estimation of the scale parameter and estimation of reliability function of the family based on progressively Type-II censored sample. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the scale parameter is derived using Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and is used to estimate reliability function. Confidence intervals are constructed using asymptotic distribution of MLE. β-expectation tolerance interval for lifetime of the system is obtained. We consider half-logistic distribution as a member of the scale family and study performance of the MLE, reliability estimate and confidence interval using simulation experiments.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v7n2p228

Keywords: Progressively Type-II censoring, EM algorithm, MLE, confidence interval, coverage probability, reliability, β-expectation tolerance interval, half-logistic distribution.


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