A global framework: Step-by-step guidelines to apply Multilevel Community Engagement Model to effectively work with culturally diverse communities around the world


This paper provides a description of the Multilevel Community Engagement Model (MCEM) and a comprehensive (step-by-step) framework to use and apply MCEM to effectively work with culturally diverse communities around the world. The author also presents two case studies (United States and Pakistan) that demonstrate real-life situations to illustrate the use and application of MCEM in real-life circumstances. MCEM offers a plan/roadmap to researchers, practitioners, and development agencies globally that is multilevel, holistic, and culturally appropriate. MCEM empowers vulnerable families living in culturally diverse communities and recognizes their voices in the process program development, implementation, and evaluation. Consequently, target families and communities gain appropriate knowledge and skills in a collaborative process of transformation, which results in program sustainability and positive outcomes. MCEM may help provide a paradigm shift from bottom-up approaches to increasingly inclusive, engaged, and collaborative community approaches that may also inform new strategies and approaches of donor/funding agencies towards community engagement and development. The implications and limitations are discussed.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v8i1p20

Keywords: Multilevel Community Engagement Model; Step-by-step framework; Stakeholders’ engagement; Project sustainability


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