#BlackLivesMatter: A study of social representations from Twitter


We aimed to identify the main content of Twitter posts marked with #VidasNegrasImportam (#BlackLivesMatter) in Brazil, as well as verifying how the # becomes tangible (objectification) and how it is attributed to one or more meanings (anchoring) in these posts. We also investigated which dimensions of the Social Representations were constructed through the posts of this hashtag. Tweets published between May 27 and June 8, 2020, were collected, totaling 1603 tweets with textual content and 1337 images. The analysis of textual data was performed using the IRaMuTeQ program, and the analysis of the images followed the three-step model proposed by Moliner (2016). We observed the use of the hashtag to disseminate information about racism, police violence and this collective movement. In the image dimension, faces of the murdered black people and symbols that objectify the movement were found, with an attitude largely favorable to the movement by Internet users.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v8i1p1

Keywords: Social Representations; Twitter; Violence; Racism


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