The impact of Covid-19 pandemic: Psycho-social perception of the crisis and sense-making processes


The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a widespread state of uncertainty and disorientation regarding daily practices and beliefs, creating multiple sense-making processes. The purpose of the study, which is part of a larger international research endeavour, is to explore the psycho-social perception of the risk associated with the spread of Covid-19 during the lockdown in Italy (March 9th to May 4th, 2020). 2125 online questionnaire were collected in Italy and analysed with a Cluster Analysis procedure by a hierarchical classification method. We explored differences and peculiarities of the perception and appreciation of the pandemic crisis, perceived risks and resources in terms of individual attitudes, communitarian bonds, politics, beliefs and trust. Four profiles have been identified that refer to different models for assessing the situation and perception of risk; these models operate as affective-cognitive systems of sense-making and interpretation of the events occurring during the lockdown. Main psycho-social implications are discussed.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v7i2p103

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, crisis, uncertainty, anxiety, anguish, psycho-social processes of sensemaking


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