La centralità dei testi nel Kepos: a proposito dei frammenti di lettere di Epicuro conservati nel P.Herc. 1005


In the Philodemus' Πρὸς τοὺς φασκοβυβλιακούς (P.Herc. 1005) there are seven fragments which most likely served excerpta of Epicurus' letters: frr. 81 (ll. 9-12), 82 (ll. 10-11), 109 (ll. 1-3), 110 (ll. 11-14), 111 (ll. 1-15), 114 (ll. 1-14), 116 (ll. 1-13). These fragments came from an extremely demaged portion of papyrus, which needs new papyrological investigation. The analysis of the fragments in light of new readings provides useful elements to define an often-overlooked aspect of the intellectual life of Kepos and the philosophical-cultural context in which Epicurus develops his παιδεία and the circulation of text in the school.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i99788883051760p387

Keywords: Epicurus; Philodemus; letters; παιδεία; Herculaneum papyri

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