Une entreprise problématique: la reconstruction de quelques colonnes centrales de La Calomnie de Philodème (PHerc.Paris. 2)


As usual, our team which has been working on P.Herc.Paris.2 since 2004 is happy to give the last news about its work in progress on Philodemus' On slander. The virtual reconstruction of the scroll open in Naples in 1987 is now reaching the beginning of the second series of 24 columns and always gets harder and harder. Nevertheless, new passages are becoming partly readable: coll. YY, A and D. At the end of the paper, one will find the new and definitive attribution of P.Herc.Paris.1, fr. 43, which in fact belongs to P.Herc.Paris. 2: both « hands » are the same one, the writing of P.Herc.Paris. 1 being very different.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i99788883051760p330

Keywords: Philodemus' On slander; P.Herc.Paris. 2; Recontruction

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