P.Flor. III 383, P.Flor. 383/a-l e P.Rein. I 49: frammenti di tomoi synkollesimoi da Antinoe


This paper presents the preliminary results of an ongoing research aiming at a complete edition of P.Flor. 383. Only a few fragments were published in the third volume of the Papiri Fiorentini and they were attributed to two tomoi of applications for lease of public land, coming from Antinoe and dating to the years 13th and 14th of Severus Alexander. The original structure and the main contents of these two tomoi are here reconstructed. Moreover, one of the unpublished fragments is joined to P.Rein. I 49 and both are attributed to a third tomos, written both on the recto and on the verso.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i99788883051760p214

Keywords: P.Flor. 383; tomoi synkollesimoi; Antinoë

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